My Story.

As a freshman at Penn State University, I changed my major to Dietetics and Applied Nutrition because my roommate struggled with bulimia.  I learned a lot about the hardships of eating disorders and the toll they play on the body.  Nutrition fascinated me.  I graduated from PSU and attended The College of St. Elizabeth for my Dietetic Internship.  My career journey started as a Dietitian Consultant and Food Service Director for Extended Care Facilities.  


As a dietitian, I was fascinated with the GI system and wanted to know more. I always had stomach problems including IBS which most doctors labeled as a lactose problem. I was very sensitive to any artificial ingredients. 

In 2003, I was on disability for 3 years with fibromyalgia and getting epidurals in my neck for pain relief. I was tested for celiac but was negative. In 2009, a dietitian gave me a food sensitivity kit (LEAP test) and I tested positive for wheat and rye. 

So just after being on the gluten-free diet for 2 weeks, I went on vacation and talked myself into going off the diet to have a slice of pizza, “Oh what could it hurt?” Well I broke out in hives, ulcers, and cysts in my mouth and on my face. It was real, and it was poison to me. I have been gluten-free since 2009 and have no pain! It was a miracle to be functional again. 

In addition, my son is gluten-free and dairy-free and has been off all his asthma medications for 4 years. 

My love for natural remedies grew more after I was faced with my mom’s passing from an aneurysm.  Autopsy results showed she was toxic on medications. I look back and think if I only knew natural remedies then, maybe she would still be living. I hope to help others with the knowledge of naturopathy live each day to its fullest.